Dear Friends,
This last year has been a terrible one for many of you. Losses, discouragements, and incredible uncertainty has colored the days, weeks, and months. This is why we are completely humbled and surprised by the steady support we've continued to receive. We imagine that in many cases it has meant tangible sacrifice and facing many financial unknowns. As Paul says, "I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God" (Phil 4:18)
As we return to the US, we are entering yet another season of fundraising for this work. More than anything else, we just want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts!
We recognize that if in God's kingdom there is no gift too small (Luke 21:1-4), then there is also no small-ask. For some of you, there won't be money to give, understandably. So, would you give your prayers for us? Pray for the Lord to sustain and accomplish our work in these early stages.
For some of you there is money to give, but you need to decide whether this work is where it should go. We want all of our supporters to be prayerfully giving, confident of your partnership here. Since our last update letter, we've been so grateful to receive many responses of emotional and financial support! We are excited to have people on board who share our vision of building up the Malawian Church!
2021 Timeline (Lord willin' and the creek don't rise):
February: Leave Scotland, land in Indianapolis, USA
May: Move to PNW
September: Arrive in Malawi, our new long-term home!
Home sweet home!!! Any improvements made to it are considered gifts/direct investment into the local church. We were told "the roof will last a year. It will leak in various spots, but it won't fall in ... until at least next year." Click the link below for the rest of the construction costs.
Due to the tremendous generosity of dear friends we have already reached 50% of our one-time fundraising goal ! The only remaining one-time costs we have are for renovations to get the house above back into livable and comfortable shape.