How glorious could the African Church be?
We long to see a new and large generation of godly pastors raised up. We pray for the Lord to bring revival through their faithful preaching and discipling. We dream of great opportunities as the African church matures for the kingdom to expand into places and cultures we Westerners could never reach.
Its never easy to do something meaningful.
If our work will have lasting impact it will have to take a long road. Just as a planting a church has numerous phases, in the same way, we see 3 phases to our work. Here is our anticipated path beginning with our preparations and Ph.D studies down through teaching our first Covenant Theology class.
The Lord has supplied all we needed to get off the ground:
A wonderful and supportive mission agency, Serge
A network of engaged supporters and supporting churches, providing money, prayer, love and encouragement.
Relationships with two seminaries in Africa, and an open door to serve in Malawi
In January 2017, our family took a vision trip to Malawi & Uganda to visit two seminaries. In December 2018, we were approved by Serge to start a new team in Malawi. In next six months the Lord surprised us all by supplying 100% of our monthly support budget, and a precious and encouraging send off from our home church, Christ Church Bellingham (PCA). We left the US in August 2018, and commenced Phase 2!
If you would like to partner with us and support our work, consider becoming a monthly giver, or signing up for our update letters for prayer requests.
Here are reports from our Vision Trip:
PHASE 2 | 2018-2021 | Ph.D Studies & Developing Relationships
We are convinced that if Daniel began teaching with only a Master's, we would only be helping theological schools limp along. However, we are committed to the long term good and investment in the African Church. Possessing a Ph.D helps them invest and build for their future.
In September 2018, Daniel commenced his doctoral studies. in Systematic Theology and New Testament. He expects to complete his studies by 2021. This phase is devoted to full-time study and developing our relationship with a Presbyterian Seminary (CCAP) in Malawi through short trips to visit and assist in teaching.
Bethany has been developing a relationship with a ministry called ‘When the Saints’ which provides counseling, care, and a safe home for Malawian girls who have been sexually abused. She has been eager to come alongside and encourage the counselors there with all she has learned from her three years of training in Trauma and Abuse Counseling with Allender Center in Seattle.
“You can teach with a Master’s degree, but you will be under pressure to get a Ph.D from the moment you arrive.”
PHASE 3 | long-term | Arrive, Teach, Learn, Invest
Upon finishing doctoral studies, we will relocate, and join the faculty of the Presbyterian seminary in Nkhoma, Malawi. This phase will be focused on settling our family, learning the culture & language of Malawi.
Daniel will being teaching, developing courses and looking for ways to better equip leaders. Bethany will be continuing to invest in the counselors at ‘When the Saints.’ We are excited to not only teach, but to walk alongside leaders caring for marriages, those in grief, and the poor and suffering in our midst.