Mission Documents & Articles

Our Vision Pamphlet

Prepared by Gordon-Conwell Seminary's Center for the Study of Global Christianity

The center of Christianity has shifted. Read the full Pew Forum report.

Pew Research Center - Religion & Public Life

Why is Missions so expensive, even in poor countries?

Being a Missionary is like being a small business owner. You raise money for benefits, taxes, and expenses.

Most things that are free or cheap in the US are are quite expensive overseas. eg: gas, car parts, and imports.


Great description of challenges in Ethiopia, which are nearly identical in Malawi.

Article by Semeon Mulatu

Africa has the largest number of Protestants by a long shot. Why do they have so few seminaries?

Prepared by Gordon-Conwell Seminary's Center for the Study of Global Christianity

We are living in a state of emergency with regard to shortages in leadership development in theological education in Africa.

World Council of Churches Article

"There has been a tremendous increase in African Christianity during the past decade which is not yet reflected in a similar strength and capacity in theological education on the African continent. ... But there still is a gap in terms of availability and accessibility of theological education on the African continent as the majority of resources mobilized for theological education are located in countries of the West and the number of institutions of theological education in Africa has only grown to some extent, but is not keeping pace with the growth of African Christianity. We are living in a state of emergency with regard to shortages in leadership development in theological education in Africa."

In response they are working to set up a fund "to serve faculty development programmes in the area of Master and doctoral programmes of African theologians studying and being trained not in the West, but within African institutions of theological education."