Morning and Evening Prayer Guide

While reading the Scripture is crucial, we often deprive ourselves of the full diet of life in Christ when we make study an end in itself. We read and study to know God. But knowing God is always expressed in prayer and worship. Succintly put: we read to pray.

Here are some guides for morning and evening prayer Daniel compiled, based on Patrick Curles’ Presbyterian Book of Common Worship. Each guide includes a suggestive guide for starting a spiritual friendship with two others for regular prayer, confession, and encouragement. In the appendix is a suggested Scripture reading guide based on D.A. Carson’s plan (originally developed by Robert Murray M’Cheyne). For the enthusiast, Daniel has also created a reading plan following the order of the Hebrew OT, the Tanakh (Torah, Prophets, Writings).

The guides posted below only differ as regards which canonical order is followed in the reading plan, and as to paper size.


Prayer Guide (Legal)

This can be printed on legal paper as a booklet from Adobe Reader. Or, it can printed as a booklet on letter paper, resulting in only minimal formatting weirdness.


Prayer Guide

This can be printed on A4 paper as a small booklet, or on A3 as a larger booklet, with each leaf being the size of an A4 sheet.


Prayer Guide (Legal) Tanakh

The OT readings are ordered as Torah, Prophets, and Writings. This can be printed on legal paper as a booklet from Adobe Reader. Or, it can printed as a booklet on letter paper, resulting in only minimal formatting weirdness.

Morning and Evening Prayer.Individual.Tanakh (A4).png

Prayer Guide
(A4) Tanakh

The OT readings are ordered as Torah, Prophets, and Writings. This can be printed on A4 paper as a small booklet, or on A3 as a larger booklet, with each leaf being the size of an A4 sheet.