One Seminary Doing it Right, Pt.2

A Huge Opportunity Is in Front of Us

In the previous post, we talked about how compelling the work of ARTS is. How could we join this great work? This a huge opportunity, but what would it take to get there?

Ph.D Required: Do Not Pass 'Go'

We would love to be involved teaching at ARTS, but to teach at a Master's level I have to either have a Ph.D or have begun my doctoral studies. This is a sign of health in the Seminary: they are taking seriously their own role as  an educational institution. Having a Ph.D would allow me to have real expertise, and to invest in their work for the long-term. 

Module Format Allows Visiting Instructors

Their classes are formatted as 2-3 week intensive modules. This means we could be involved in teaching modules at ARTS while pursuing doctoral studies, or even if we end up serving as full-time faculty somewhere else in Africa.

Meet my long-time friend John Stambolie. He's a pastor in Zimbabwe, and has been a student at ARTS since he began his pastoral office.